Educating children without violence aims to build a healthy relationship between parents and their children, and also shape a positive behavior without the use of physical or emotional violence.

More importantly, non-violent child-rearing will reduce the potential for mental injury to the child. Considering that mental injury or emotional trauma can come from a violent upbringing. Furthermore, educating children without resorting to violence can help avoid the potential emotional wounds that may arise within them, considering how mental injuries or emotional trauma can be formed from violent behavior.

Children who are treated harshly and violently by their parents are prone to experiencing negative impacts on their mental and emotional health, and they will tend to mimic emulate the abusive behavior in the future.

Here are some ways to educate children without violence that can be done from now on:

1. Open Communication

It is important to do a open honest and open communication channels with your children. Listen to what they have to say, turn off electronic devices, give your attention fully to them, and show that you are really listeninglistening seriously. Talk to your child openly and honestly.

Also, try to always give a positive feedback when your child speaks. Not only give them encouragement and support, but also let them know if there are any misbehavior or errors in their thinking. Show that you value your child's opinion, even if you don't agree with it. Don't immediately criticize or belittle their opinions, but listen respectfully.

Feel free to open up topics that may be difficult or uncomfortable to talk about. Let your child know that they can come to you with any concerns or questions or concerns.

Good communication helps children feel safe and more likely to comply with rules without the need for threats or violence.

2. Set a Good Example

Children often emulate mimic the behavior of the adults around them. Children learn through experiences and examples set by their parents. Therefore, setting a good example is very important. Your behavior will influence their behavior, so show them the right and good attitude that you want to see from them.

Show them how to resolve conflicts peacefully, manage emotions well, and interact positively with others. Because Ssetting an example through this non-violent parenting method can help children develop their emotional sensitivity, learn to manage their emotions well, and respect the feelings of others.

3. Use Positive Reinforcement

Instead of relying on punishment or threats, give positive reinforcement when the child performs the desired behavior. Positive reinforcement in educating children is one of the strategies of how to educate them without violence. Try to reinforce positive behaviors exhibited by the child by providing pleasant rewards or recognition.Providing positive reinforcement to children can be shown by giving them an enjoyable rewards. The concept is to give more attention to the desired behavior than to the undesired behavior.

Another example is of positive reinforcement is to sincerely praise commend the child when they behave well, and reward them accordingly. This helps to reinforce positive behavior and build better relationships.

This positive reinforcement also helps build a positive relationship between parent and child, and increases the child's motivation and confidence. This is an effective strategy in educating children and helping them grow and develop positively without violence.

4. Setting Clear Boundaries

Children need clear boundaries to understand what is expected of them. Setting clear boundaries involves a loving approach and open communication.

Set consistent rules and explain the consequences calmly and firmly. Do not change rules or consequences arbitrarily, as this can confuse the child and reduce their effectiveness. Avoid physical punishment or frightening threats, and focus on providing a clear understanding of what is expected.

By using a loving approach and open communication, you can set clear boundaries in educating your child without resorting to violence. This helps build a positive relationship between you and your child, while teaching them responsibility and important social skills.

5. Teach Problem-Solving Skills

Teach your children how to resolve conflicts and solve problems constructively. Give them the skills to manage emotions, communicate well, and seek fair solutions. This helps them learn to be independent and develop self-confidence.

Also teach your child the importance of cooperating and communicating with others in solving problems. Encourage them to listen to others' opinions and work together to reach a solution that is good for all parties.

Help your child develop the social, emotional and academic skills necessary for success in life. Because one of the obligations of parents to their children is to make them independent in the future. Help your child develop social, economic, and educational skills so that they can succeed in the future. Empowering children to become independent individual is one of the parent’s responsibilities.

6. Provide Love and Attention

Children need love, care and support from their parents. Take the time to spend time with them, play together, listen to their stories, and show that you care. This strengthens the bond between parent and child, so the child is more likely to obey the rules without the need for violence.

Parenting without violence requires patience, consistency, and commitment, but the result is a stronger relationship and more positive behavior. Remember that parenting requires patience. Being a good parent is an ongoing journey, which requires patience, dedication, and love.

Give them time and space to learn from their mistakes, and provide a good support when they face challenges. By practicing an open communication, setting a good example, using positive reinforcement, setting clear boundaries, teaching problem-solving skills, and providing love and care, parents can help their children grow into responsible and empathetic individuals.