X-Tra Proteksi Cermat Insurance

Asuransi Jiwa
X-Tra Proteksi Cermat

Right Steps, to live carefully

When going through life stages, we face the uncertainty and challenges, such as the risk of life. Having a careful plan is essential to boost confident in running life.

X-Tra Proteksi Cermat is the latest term life insurance product that joining protection and certainty of the value of funds.

Product Excellence

1.     Limited Premium Payment Period with optimal protection

Pay 5 years will be protected for 10 years.

2.     Return of Premium benefit

If Insured still alive until end of coverage will get 120% total Premium paid.

3.     Death Benefit

100% Sum Assured or 110% Surrender Value (whichever is higher).

General Requirements
  • Entry Ages
    - Policy Holder: 18-80 years old
    - Insured: 6-60 years old
  • Coverage Period
    10 years
  • Currency
  • Premium Payment Frequency
    Monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually

Full Term & Conditions refer to Ringkasan Informasi Produk.dan/atau Layanan.

For detailed product information, click here

Click here for e-brochure.

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