Life is full of uncertainty and will keep going without asking whether we are ready or not. Have the right steps so you can live life to the fullest.
Sun Proteksi Tepat is the insurance endowment product which provides guaranteed return of your protection value.

Product excellence

Right protection

Pay premium for 3 or 5 years, get protected for 10 years.

Right benefit

Guaranteed return of protection


Right serenity

Death benefit up to 200%* Sum Assured.
*Apply for Plan TEPAT 200.


1. Currency: Rupiah

2. Entry Age (age last birthday):

Policyholder: 18 - 80 years old

Insured: 3 months – 60 years old

3. Premium Payment Period : 5 years

4. Coverage Period: 20 years

For detailed Product Information and/or Service Summary, click here.

How to