The end of the year is synonymous with celebrations and holidays. Do you have any holiday plans for the end of this year?

Plan to fill this long vacation by returning to your hometown or doing a vacation or staycation. You must have careful planning from now on. This is to ensure that your holiday can run smoothly without neglecting your health and safety.

1. Set the Dates

Making plans means that your vacation is not done of a sudden. So, determining the date is the main thing in planning year-end holidays.

With a predetermined date, it will make easier for you to determine activities and destinations during the holidays, and also the costs that will be incurred. So, there won't be a single day and money wasted.

2. Hunt Cheap Tickets

There's nothing wrong to start hunting for cheap tickets for transportation and accommodation through travel agent, or online travel applications to reduce expenses. Usually there are promos that you can use in every holiday season.

In addition, you can also start hunting for cheap tickets way in advance of your year-end vacation date. Usually, booking tickets from several months before the D-Day has more possibilities to get much lower prices.

3. Determine the Source of Funds

If you have planned your year-end holidays, determine the source of funds that you will use. Don't force yourself to borrow money that will burden you with all the installments and significant interests.

There's nothing wrong to take some of your savings. Consider this as an investment to reward and indulge you and your family.

4. Stay Healthy

Year-end holidays, of course, must come with a healthy body. That's why you must take care of your health from now on, don't let the illness interferes during holidays.

You can do various things during your vacation with a healthy body, from jogging, trekking, diving to rock climbing. No matter how far the journey, your body will always be ready.

5. Finish Your Tasks

Year-end holidays can be fun without being disturbed by work. Therefore, you must complete all obligations from your office before leaving for vacation.

You can enjoy your vacation more without doing the remaining "homework." It’s totally not a good idea, for example, being at the beach but still working instead.

6. Protect with Insurance

Holidays are about fun, but it still has risks, be it on the way to or at the destination. By having insurance, you can prepare yourself for unexpected things that may interfere your financial planning.

In addition, insurance allows you to ensure that the funds you set aside for vacations are not compromised for emergency matters related to life risks.

So, plan your year-end vacation from now on. Don't forget to complete your vacation with protection that will bring you peace of mind. Click here to find out which protection that suits your needs.