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May 10, 2024

Remote Dispute Resolution or Outside Jakarta by LAPS SJK

In an increasingly digitally connected world, easy access to legal services is one of the things that is highly appreciated by the public. Especially after going through a pandemic, there are many applications of digital systems in various aspects of people's lives.

With the advancement of technology, the Financial Services Sector Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution (LAPS SJK) has also become one of the institutions that offer innovative solutions in dispute resolution.

Although located in Jakarta, LAPS SJK has developed a system that enables remote dispute resolution, providing justice for consumers throughout Indonesia, including remote areas such as Kalimantan.

LAPS SJK utilizes digital platforms such as Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) to facilitate efficient and effective dispute resolution. This is one implementation of the digital convenience offered by LAPS SJK through the conduct of mediation or arbitration through the Zoom application or similar platforms.

This allows the parties involved in the dispute to participate in the resolution process without having to be at the physical location of LAPS SJK in Jakarta.

As such, LAPS SJK can be considered a progressive institution that is responsive to technological developments in supporting access to justice for the wider community throughout Indonesia.

LAPS SJK and Dispute Resolution Services

LAPS SJK has a strong commitment to supporting technological advances and providing easy access for parties facing disputes in the financial services sector.

Currently, LAPS SJK provides remote dispute resolution services through Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) utilizing Zoom technology.

Principles of Dispute Resolution at LAPS SJK

There are several principles of dispute resolution at LAPS SJK that must be understood if you want to submit or resolve a dispute. The following are reviewed one by one:

1. Independent and Fair

The dispute resolution process at LAPS SJK is conducted independently and fairly, prioritizing the interests of both parties.

2. Effective and Efficient

LAPS SJK ensures that the dispute resolution process is effective and efficient, saving time and costs for the parties.

3. Easy to Access

Through the ODR service, LAPS SJK enables parties to access the dispute resolution process without having to be physically present in Jakarta.

Dispute Resolution Procedure

Once the verification and clarification process is complete, and the dispute meets the criteria that can be resolved at LAPS SJK, the dispute resolution process will proceed.

According to Regulation of the Financial Services Authority of the Republic of Indonesia Number 61/POJK.07/2020, dispute resolution at the Financial Services Sector LAPS can be conducted face-to-face or through electronic media.

Implementation of Remote Dispute Resolution

In best practice, the implementation of remote dispute resolution at LAPS SJK uses the Zoom application. However, LAPS SJK provides flexibility to the parties to choose face-to-face settlement at the LAPS SJK office if desired.

LAPS SJK provides an innovative and inclusive solution to dispute resolution in the financial services sector, not only for those in Jakarta but also for consumers throughout Indonesia.

So even those outside Jakarta can resolve disputes quickly and easily, as distance is no longer a significant obstacle.

Through effective and efficient remote dispute resolution services, LAPS SJK proves its commitment to providing equal access to justice for all parties.

So, for anyone in need of dispute resolution in the financial services sector, LAPS SJK is the right choice, even if you are located outside Jakarta.