Life Moments

What you should do for a better life

Enjoy every life moment with good financial planning to achieve a better life.

What you should do for a better life

Enjoy every life moment with good financial planning to achieve a better life.

  • February 21, 2024

    8 Wedding Preparations that Must Be Ensured Before Getting Married

    Getting married is one of the important moments in a person's life that is usually coveted and looked forward to. Therefore, to enter this new phase of life, there are various things that need to be prepared.

  • February 21, 2024

    What is Consumptive? Recognize the Characteristics, Impact, and How to Overcome It

    One human trait or behaviour that often causes problems is consumptive behaviour. In general, consumptive comes from the word "consumption," which refers to the activity of consuming goods and services. However, consumptive has a negative connotation because it refers to irrational or excessive purchases. Consumptive behaviour tends to be influenced by emotional drives, social pressure, or strong advertising influence.

  • February 21, 2024

    Waqf: Definition, Laws, Types, and Virtues

    Waqf, derived from the Arabic word "al-waqf" which means to hold, stop, be silent, restrain, or obstruct. In sharia terms, waqf means withholding the right of ownership of property (al-'ain) from the donor with the aim of donating its benefits (al-manfa'ah) for the advantage of Muslims, religious interests, or to the waqf recipient specified by the donor.

  • February 07, 2024

    How to Manage Household Finances in Today's Modern Era

    Not a few complains that managing finances is not an easy thing to do by a single person, let alone by a household with more than one family member.

  • February 07, 2024

    Types of Short-Term Investments that Can Bring Fast Profits

    Having an investment is one of the things worth of being chosen by the younger generation today, whether long-term investment or short-term investment. Everything is chosen and determined based on our ability and needs.

    Short-term investments are an attractive approach for many investors looking for quick returns and high liquidity. For more details, let's discuss the purpose of short-term investments, its types, and the benefits that can be gained.

  • February 07, 2024

    Tips and Types of Long-Term Investments to Choose Wisely

    When you have more money and don't have urgent needs, one or two things that most people think of is investing. But investment is not always profitable, especially long-term investment.

    There are several factors that must be considered and known so that long-term investments can be done properly, wisely, and generate benefits.

    For those of you who are still classified as beginners with terms of investment, this article might be for you. Don't miss some important information that will make your long-term investment more profitable and have more benefits.

  • February 07, 2024

    5 Tips to Start a Healthy Daily Lifestyle

    Starting a healthy lifestyle can provide many positive benefits for ourselves, and even those around us. A healthy lifestyle includes a set of habits and lifestyle choices that aim to maintain a healthy body and mind.

    It is undeniable that a healthy lifestyle is the foundation of sustainable happiness and well-being. Small steps taken every day can make a big difference in our quality of life.

  • February 07, 2024


    Health is an asset that needs to be maintained properly so that we can live life optimally. Maintaining a healthy body is very important because health has a direct impact on a person's quality of life.

  • November 23, 2022

    Diabetes: Symptoms, Risk Factors and Management

    Did you know that Indonesia, one of the most populous countries in the world, has one of the highest numbers of diabetic patients? In 2021, of the 19.46 million estimated to be suffering from the disease, over 236,000 died of diabetes-related reasons. More than USD$6 billion was spent to treat the country’s third most deadly disease, which affected 6.2% of its population in 2019.

  • June 16, 2022

    How Can Chronic Stress Affect Your Heart?

    A recent study has found a link between chronic stress and heart problems. This highlights the importance of effectively managing stress to maintain good heart health.